The Leading Blockchain Transaction Data Provider
Powered By The World's Most Advanced Blockchain Analytics Engine

Power Your Trades With High Quality Real-Time Data

Whale Alert continuously collects and analyzes millions of blockchain transactions in real-time and combines them with off-chain data from hundreds of sources. The result is the world's largest and most up-to-date database containing billions of transactions and hundreds of millions of addresses that we use to create real-time alerts and advanced data aggregates. Our alerts and aggregates are used by both professional and amateur traders worldwide, providing them with the information they need to stay ahead.

Enhance Your Strategies

Professional traders combine our alerts and aggregate data with powerful AI and analytics to predict possible price movements before anyone else.

Monitor Market Trends

Uncover and verify market trends by tracking which assets are actually being used in the world blockchain.

Manage Asset Risk

Monitor assets cross-chain for unusual behaviour and uncover potential sell-offs, hacks or buying opportunities before they materialize.

Mapping An Exciting New World Real-Time

Our mission at Whale Alert is to bring trust and transparency to the blockchain ecosystem. To achieve this we have created a one-of-a-kind blockchain tracking supercomputer that goes far beyond the capabilities of any other blockchain analytics system: a vast network of computers dedicated to collecting, analyzing, storing and distributing processed blockchain transaction data in real-time. Being future-proof and blockchain agnostic were central to our designs meaning that we can track any protocol no matter the throughput.

Major Blockchains tracked and analyzed in real-time
Assets tracked cross blockchain
Billion transactions analyzed since the first Bitcoin transaction
Million addresses attributed to over 400 entities

Stable Coin Tracking and Analysis

Stable coins represent one of the most successful innovations on blockchain to date with billions in transactions happening every day in #USDT and #USDC alone. Blockchain based stable coins offer cheaper transfers and more transparency and are set to replace much of the outdated traditional banking system in both international trade and consumer transactions. At Whale Alert we track and analyze stable coin transactions across blockchains and use this data to create the most complete and up-to-date dataset of international monetary traffic in the world with more than 90% of stable coin transactions tracked.

Followed by over 3 million blockchain enthusiasts and professionals

Our awesome data powers one of the largest and fastest growing and most active crypto social media presences in the world and informs amateurs and professionals alike of important and interesting transactions. Join our ever-growing community and stay informed on the latest whale movements and other fascinating blockchain transactions.

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Whale Alert offers the highest quality data for blockchain transactions and attribution in a standardized format regardless of blockchain or asset. Our data includes transactions, price data, transaction types, address types and attribution. Datasets are available going back to genesis. For the ALERTS plan we have a 7 days FREE TRIAL available when you sign up. ALERTS plan is for personal use only.

For more detailed information, visit our pricing page.


$29.95per month / 7 day trial

Create your own custom alerts with the easy-to-use Whale Alert Websocket API! Ready-to-use code examples available in the docs.


$699per month

Power your trading algorithms with live access to millions of transactions per day through our REST API. Ideal for AI or machine learning models.


$1990per year of data

Custom historical data sets including transactions, asset prices and exchanges attribution data. Ideal for AI or machine learning model training.


Whale Alert collaborates with top researchers and universities from all over the world in order to create a better understanding of the world of blockchain, but also to dispel the myths surrounding it. Our high quality data has become an invaluable tool for creating high quality research.