Whale Alert's short 🕓 to long-term 🕓🕓🕓 features currently in development. Planned features not yet in development are not listed. No exact dates, no promises, it's done when it's done.
Short-term ABPR 🕓🕓
Real-time ABPR calculation for short-term holders.
Long-term ABPR 🕓🕓
Real-time ABPR calculation for long-term holders.
Whale Power 🕓🕓
Calculation of asset distribution per % of holders.
Solana 🕓🕓
Alerts integration for the Solana blockchain.
TON 🕓🕓🕓
Full analytics and alerts integration for the TON blockchain.
Ripple 🕓🕓
Analytics for the Ripple blockchain including stablecoin RLUSD.
Mobile Notifications 🕓
Receive push messages on mobile for new alerts.
Alert Warning 🕓
Top bar notification of number of unseen alerts.
Mempool Alerts 🕓🕓🕓
Receive alerts on not yet confirmed transactions.
News Section 🕓
A new section with an AI-powered live news feed.
Roadmap 🕓
A nice looking page with short to long-term development listed.
Alert Overlay 🕓🕓🕓
Combine alerts and analytics to show correlation.
Note: if you would like a feature, blockchain or cryptocurrency added to Whale Alert, send us a message!