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The price graph shows the cryptocurrency's price at
close in USD for a specific time period and is updated
live with prices from the largest cryptocurrency
The graph features an overlay option for comparing
historical cryptocurrency prices against the price of
bitcoin, which helps with determining whether a price
change is correlated to a change in bitcoin price.
Further Reading
The Transaction Volume USD graph represents the total
volume of a transferred cryptocurrency in USD during a
The total value is calculated based on the all transacted
amounts (no matter the size) multiplied with the cryptocurrency price at the
moment of confirmation. Self-change (i.e. sending the
remainder of a transaction to the originating address)
is not included in the transaction volume.
High transaction volumes may be caused by increased
popularity, whale activity, events such as airdrops or
panic/FOMO etc.
Further Reading
The Transaction Volume Token graph represents the total
volume of a transferred cryptocurrency in tokens during
a period. The volume is calculated based on all transactions made during that period.
Self-change (i.e. sending the remainder of a transaction
to the originating address) is not included in the
transaction volume.
High transaction volumes may be caused by increased
popularity, whale activity, events such as airdrops or
panic/FOMO etc.
Further Reading
The Transaction Count graph shows the total number of
transactions for a specific token during a period.
Transactions such as mints, burn, votes and other types
that do not involve a transfer between addresses are not
included in the data.
The graph is useful for determining token activity which
can fluctuate depending on events or changes in
Further Reading
The Average Transaction Size in USD is calculated by
multiplying the transaction volume amount in tokens with
the price at the time of transaction for all
transactions during a period of time and dividing the
result with its total transaction count.
This graph is useful for spotting potential whale
activity which will show up as spikes in the graph.
Further Reading
The average transaction size in tokens is calculated by
adding up the total token amount transferred during a
period of time and dividing the result with the
transaction count for that period.
This graph is useful for spotting potential whale
activity which will show up as spikes in the graph.
Further Reading
The Average Buy Profit metric provides valuable insight into macro market sentiment and the economic outcomes of all transactions during a certain period. The graph shows the ratio between the sell price (asset price at moment of transaction) and the average buy price (average price at which an address received their asset balance) of all transactions made during a period. Ratio's above 1 (the dotted red line) suggest that market participants on average are taking profit, while ratio's below 1 suggest that they are selling at a loss. The ABRP graph is available for market (all participants), short term holders (average holding time of asset balance less than 6 months) and long term holders (average holding time longer than 6 months).
The Potential Profit graph shows the total potential profit in the market in USD if everyone sold at market price. It is different from market capitalization, because it also takes into account the average price at which an asset was acquired.
A positive potential profit value means that, on average, investors are holding at a profit, while a negative value indicates loss. During periods of high potential profit, holders may be more likely to sell and take
profits, while low or negative profit periods might discourage selling. Sustained periods of potential loss can indicate a bear market.
Further Reading
The Potential Profit per Token graph shows the potential
profit that all holders combined could make per token if they sold at
a specific time. It is similar to the potential profit
graph with the potential profit divided by the total
supply of an asset.
Further Reading
The Continuous HODL graph shows how long on average
every single unit of a cryptocurrency has been held onto by all holders. The metric is weighted by balance, meaning
that whales have a larger influence on the average HODL
time than smaller investors. A steady increase in HODL
days may suggest that holders are optimistic about the
asset’s future, while a decrease could indicate
Further Reading
The Average Buy Price shows the average price in
USD at which holders bought their assets. A decrease in
the average buy price indicates that current holders have averaged down or that new buyers have entered at a lower price.
Likewise, an increase in the average buy price indicated that holders are buying more at a higher price, or that new buyers are entering at a higher price.
Further Reading
The Realized Profit graph shows how much profit or loss was made during a certain period and is useful for determining market sentiment; extended periods of profit are indicative of a bull market, while periods of loss are a strong indicator of a bear market. It can also be used for predicting price drops when unusual profit or loss taking occurs. The Realized Profit graph is available for market (all participants), short term holders (average holding time of asset balance less than 6 months) and long term holders (longer than 6 months).
The Realized Profit per Token is similar to the standard realized profit, except for that it shows the average profit per token transferred during a period. This graph is useful to determine whether the amount of profit or loss during a period was caused by an increase (or lack) of transactions or a high or low profit/loss per token transferred. The Realized Profit graph is available for market (all participants), short term holders (average holding time of asset balance less than 6 months) and long term holders (average holding time longer than 6 months).
Further Reading
The Realized HODL graph shows how long addresses on
average held on to a cryptocurrency (per token). It is calculated based on
the average time at which an addresses' balance was
acquired and the time of the transaction and is weighted
on transaction size.
High realized HODL values indicate that some long term
holders decided to transfer their assets to a new
address, which could indicate a sell.
Further Reading
The total supply of a cryptocurrency is influenced by
pre-mines, mints, burns, mining rewards and fees. In the
case of stablecoins a high supply suggests a more liquid
market and strong increases in supply are generally
considered to have a positive effect on prices. Large
changes in supply can have strong effects on metrics
such as HODL and ABP.
Further Reading
The Transaction Volume chart for stablecoins serves as a
key indicator of market liquidity as they are essential
for both centralized and decentralized exchanges.
An increase in stablecoin volume might indicate that
investors are hedging, but can also signal that new
capital is entering the market.
The transaction volume is expressed in USD value of the
total amount of tokens transferred by all holders.
Further Reading
The Mints vs. Burns chart shows how many stablecoins
were created or destroyed during a certain time period.
Mints and burns influence the total supply of a coin and
the overall sentiment is that mints have a positive
effect on the overall cryptocurrency market as they
increase liquidity. It is important to note that not all
mints increase the total supply of a stable coin market
wide; they can also be part of a "chain swap" in which
stable coins are moved from one blockchain to another.
Mints are transactions in which new tokens of a
cryptocurrency are created. In the case of stablecoins,
mints can indicate a conversion of fiat USD to on-chain
assets such as USDC and USDT. Large mints can have a
positive effect on market sentiment and are generally
considered to also have a positive influence on market
The market capitalization or "marketcap" is the total
dollar value of an assets current existing supply and is
used by investors to compare an asset's size with
others. The marketcap can be influenced by changes in
price or total supply